Infinite List Upcoming Giveaway Calendar
Instructions (please read thoroughly): 
  1. Peruse the giveaways featured below. They are listed in chronological order, and dates may be subject to change if a giveaway does not get filled. 
  2. Check to confirm that:
    1. The target audience is a fit for you
    2. Your gift is a fit for what the giveaway is delivering
    3. You are willing and able to email 3 times during the giveaway promotional window
  3. If all three elements of #2 are confirmed, and you are interested in participating as a guest contributor in a giveaway, please click on the banner image to go to the giveaway registration page.
  4. On the registration page, choose whether you wish to participate as a Basic contributor or as a Featured one.
  5. On the checkout page, complete your giveaway investment and proceed to upload the lead-magnet you'd like to use.
  6. Note that spots may already be filled.

If you run into any challenges, you may submit a support ticket HERE.

IMPORTANT: You must be a Prime Member in good standing (i.e. your account is current) at the time of the giveaway. If you have withdrawn your membership, or you have an outstanding balance, you may be removed from the giveaway. If you'd prefer to save on your investment, and use Infinite List Member Tokens instead, please upgrade to a Pro or Prestige Membership at the link in the header above.

Want to see if there are discounted spots available?
Check out our ALL NEW Infinite List Giveaway Auction Block!
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[Block//Start Date %M j%+0] - [Block//End Date %M j%+0]
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